5 Golden Rules to Combine your Clothes with Style

5 Golden Rules to Combine your Clothes with Style

Mixing your clothes doesn’t mean wearing the same color, brand, or pattern from head to toe, but learning to take separate pieces to create all kinds of different outfits, to get more out of what you have, and avoid spending too much on things you don’t really need.

Creating a good outfit and dressing well is important for several reasons. First of all, it is your letter of introduction to the world, but it can also increase your self-confidence, and security, make you feel powerful, and even make you look more attractive. In addition, it is essential for you to be able to dress well without having to spend the entire fortnight on new clothes, and it can even help you pack light when traveling.

And you don’t really need to be a mega expert or know too much about fashion to combine your clothes with style, you just have to understand that there are different textures, colors, patterns, and materials; and that there are clothes that look great when combined together. In addition to the fact that there are neutral pieces that you can wear in many different ways and that are the basis of a complete closet.

Actually, there are just a few simple rules, more like recommendations, that are worth keeping on your radar when choosing what to wear every day.

How to Combine your Clothes?

1. Neutrals and Basics

The first rule to learn to combine your clothes is to identify the neutrals and basics. These are not exactly trending clothes, but the classic and simple ones that, although they are not flashy, are the main element of an outfit.

As for clothes, think of jeans, dress pants, button-down shirts, T-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts and all those pieces that, in one way or another, you have worn all your life and always have among your things.

Neutrals refer to basic colors, such as navy blue, military green, black and white (and now also patterns such as animal prints or stripes). These colors and pieces look good when combined together and you can wear them all year long by playing with accessories, such as a more colorful jacket or trendy tennis shoes.

2. Don’t Forget the Layers

Using different layers is the best thing you can do so that your outfit does not look too simple or boring.

You must take into account that the first layer (such as a shirt or t-shirt) must be tight enough so that you can wear something on top comfortably, in addition, it is important that the layers that you add go according to the type of outfit you want to achieve, and that you take into account the weather.

For example, in the summer you can wear a t-shirt under a vest, while in the winter you may need to think about sweaters, jackets and coats, and maybe also thermal layers and interiors to keep you protected.

3. Patterns, Textures and Colors

It’s okay to wear different patterns in one outfit, or you can always wear the same one from head to toe (like Chalamet in his mushroom suit), but there are a few things to consider.

First, different textures give an outfit depth (so you don’t look like a block of the same color), there are colors that work well together (like blue and white, black and camel, green and blue, etc.), and finally , the prints must have coherence, this can be achieved through the use of color (repeating the main colors of one pattern in another) or by choosing to wear a coordinated outfit with the same drawing everywhere (if that is the case, think that the small prints are more elegant, while staying within the range of neutrals is more sophisticated).

4. Elegant or Casual? Mix and Match

A good tip to look good and to make your clothes look expensive even if they are not is to combine elegant pieces with more casual ones, and expensive clothes with others that are not.

For example, wearing a suit with a basic t-shirt, or changing the dress shoes for a pair of white, leather, and minimalist design tennis shoes. The important thing is that you choose clothes that have a similar style (in terms of their level of formality). If you are going to wear a T-shirt with a suit, you should make sure that it has a good quality material, that it is not wrinkled, torn or dirty, and that it complements the whole look well.

It’s about striking a balance, highlighting the most important pieces and choosing accessible pieces that look and feel better, that’s what will help you look more dressed up.

Within this is also the Fit, which refers to the way in which the clothes fit you. You should avoid clothes that look small or big, too long or short, or that want a very tight belt so they don’t fall down.

5. Versatile Shoes

Continuing with the dress clothes, a gray suit cannot be missing from your wardrobe. You can use it for any occasion, be it a job interview, a wedding, or a night out.

It is a piece that you should invest in because if you stay in the same shape or size, it will last you for a few years. A good tailor will be your best friend in this case, because if you buy one in the store it probably won’t fit perfectly, this professional will be able to adjust it to your needs.

Finally, the key to being able to create more combinations is in the shoes. You don’t need thousands, but having a basic pair of tennis shoes (does not include those for exercise), black and brown dress shoes, basic boots, and sandals for the summer is essential, since shoes that are not so flashy, colorful or extravagant they can be worn with jeans, suits, shorts and much more. You just have to take color into account (black goes with black, white goes with everything and brown looks best with blue and light colors).

10 Basic Clothes for the Wardrobe of an Elegant Man

10 Basic Clothes for the Wardrobe of an Elegant Man

Surely you think that it is very difficult to build an elegant and versatile look with only 10 elements, but we believe that it is possible and we will show you with this post. With these items, you can go to a wedding, a bar, a job interview or a date. Keep reading and take note of these tips.

Take Advantage of Versatile Pieces

Men generally don’t have seldom-used items. For gentlemen, quality over quantity is very important.

A very versatile garment, for example, is a long-sleeved white cotton shirt. Ideal to wear with a suit and tie, but will also look great with jeans. A blue one is also important in the men’s wardrobe.

A tie and a suit are also versatile because you can use them for different occasions. In this post, we only mentioned 10 basic presses, but you can have a more extensive wardrobe based on these items.

Basic Clothes for Your Wardrobe

1. Navy Blazer

Having a navy blazer is an excellent investment, you could have the complete suit if your budget allows it. It is a very versatile element and a classic in the men’s wardrobe.

Regardless of your day-to-day style, as a man, you should have a suit in this color. Because there will always be an opportunity to wear it, a daytime wedding, a baptism, a communion, even a job interview.

It is important that when buying it it is your size, that it fits you well and that the fabric is of quality. It is recommended that it be two buttons due to the versatility of this style.

2. Blue Shirt

Having a dress shirt, formal, will allow you to have a better look for certain occasions. Ideally, it should be light blue, because it is versatile, you can have a formal look, but also more casual than with a white shirt.

This shade will allow you to wear the shirt with or without a tie. It is recommended that it be made of cotton fabric because you can use it in summer and winter.

As with the suit and blazer, you should buy a shirt that fits you well, that is tailored to you. Many men choose to make the purchase and then take it to a tailor to fit it. Because having a custom one would be much more expensive.

3. White Button-down Shirt

We already mentioned the white button-down shirt at the beginning, this is a classic in the men’s wardrobe. It is an element that can be very casual or very formal depending on what you combine it with.

The Oxford type are an excellent option, this cut brings a lot of versatility to your wardrobe. It is a shirt that you can wear with jeans or on a night out, but you can also wear it under a cardigan or with a suit.

It is one of the most basic elements of the men’s wardrobe. When buying it, focus on quality, that it fits you well and that you feel comfortable with it. Take into account that you can close the neck but that it does not choke you, and that all the buttons close well.

4. A Nice Tie

The tie is an essential element in the men’s wardrobe. Although depending on your work and your daily style, it may be a garment that you use very little.

Nowadays wearing a tie is not so normal, it is used for work (only if it is mandatory), for special presentations or for celebrations such as weddings. But this is not a reason not to have one, because eventually you will need it if you are invited to a formal event, for example.

Ideally, you should have one in a neutral color that matches your shirts and suits. Let it be blue or grey, silk, cotton or wool.

If you work as an executive, you’ll probably need more than just a tie. As we mentioned, everything depends on your lifestyle, these are the basic elements for any gentleman’s wardrobe, you can vary them depending on your needs.

5. Gray Suit

Continuing with the dress clothes, a gray suit cannot be missing from your wardrobe. You can use it for any occasion, be it a job interview, a wedding, or a night out.

It is a piece that you should invest in because if you stay in the same shape or size, it will last you for a few years. A good tailor will be your best friend in this case, because if you buy one in the store it probably won’t fit perfectly, this professional will be able to adjust it to your needs.

6. Dark Jeans

As a man, you probably have more than one pair of jeans in your wardrobe. But we want to mention one that is basic, dark jeans and a straight or skinny cut. We all know that this garment is very flexible, it is used for different occasions.

But dark men’s jeans will help you look much better, as long as they fit well. When buying them, look at them as if they were the pants of a suit, they must be tailored to you, the correct length, and fit well at the waist. Avoid buying cheap denim, the fabric will never look the same as quality ones. It must fit well, with clear straight lines.

The darker the fabric is better, the ones that are very light and washed will not do your look well. Don’t be afraid to invest a little more money in these, a good pair of jeans will last a few years as long as you know how to take care of them.

Tip: Remember that even if they are jeans, you must combine the color of the pants with the color of the socks.

7. White T-shirt

You can have not one but several white shirts, and other shades. The first thing you should take into account is that they are your size, that they fit you well, not too wide or too tight. You can have them round or “v” neck, everything will depend on your personal taste.

When it comes to white t-shirts, gentlemen almost always choose the cheapest option, precisely because it looks like a simple garment. But, after a few washes you will see how it starts to look bad and damage the fabric. The best thing is to invest in a quality one, made of good cotton, you will be able to use it more, it will last longer and you will look better.

8. Brown Shoes

Surely you will think that the ideal or basic shoes for men are black braided shoes, but if you are looking for something that is versatile, brown braided Oxford shoes are ideal. These are very versatile and easy to combine.

With shoes, as with the other basics we’ve mentioned, you should ideally invest and buy a good pair. Because they will be more comfortable and they will look much better.

9. Chino pants

These types of pants are a great option when wearing jeans is not an option, and when you want to dress up a bit but not be too formal.

In this type of pants, avoid the skinny cut, because they will lose their masculine charm. Prefer a brown color that is neither too light nor too dark, because they will be much more versatile.

As in all the clothes we have mentioned, make sure that they fit you well and that they fit your body properly. You don’t want them to look too baggy or too tight. The ideal is the Slim-fit cut.

10. White Sneakers

A much more casual option, for weekends or summer walks. Think that they will combine with jeans and chino pants.

Always keep them clean, because if you have them dirty they will speak ill of you. There are very good options of white shoes at very good prices, avoid those with large logos or with many decorations.

Other Elements that you Can Include in your Wardrobe

  • Black Oxford shoes: They are an excellent option to wear with suits and with jeans as well.
  • Polo-type shirts: it is a classic element of men’s clothing. The basic colors would be blue and white. You can opt for a Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt.
  • Cardigan: It should fit well, remember that they are naturally loose.
  • Coat: Depending on your style you choose the one you like the most. For winter you must have at least one coat.
  • Leather belt: Always combine your belt with your shoes.

These are the basic garments for the men’s wardrobe. Do you have them all? What are you missing? If you want to complete your look, remember to visit our store to see options from different brands.

12 Rules for Dressing Well That Every Man Must Follow

12 Rules for Dressing Well That Every Man Must Follow

Dressing well is an art form that not everyone masters, although everyone has the potential with a few rules and tips that never go out of style.

It is true that there are too many rules in the world to dress and many of them have become obsolete, but there are others that are really useful and can save you headaches.

When it comes to dressing well, everything can be a matter of opinion and personal taste, however, beyond taste, there are some basic elements that can make a garment look perfect.

Think about this, when you go through your childhood photos, are there looks that you regret? Probably yes, and that’s largely because choosing your clothes was partly up to your parents and you didn’t really care how good you looked. You just wanted to be comfortable and have fun, and that’s why you have (and we all have) a few photos that you would like to hide and with looks that you would not dare to wear in public right now.

In fashion, there are things that work for some, but for others they are disastrous, so the rules that really matter are a little more abstract and have to do with details that favor everyone equally. The best part is that they are more like suggestions and you don’t really have to follow them strictly, since you are an adult and you have the right to wear whatever you want. However, sometimes there are events, appointments, or situations that have certain dress codes, and in that case you have to adapt.

Good advice, even if it sounds obvious, does not go out of style and no one is in a position to reject it, especially if you are interested in dressing well.

Rules to Dress Well

1. Learn to ignore trends

Following the trends is a good idea, this helps you look current and modern, but you have to know that not all of them are going to look good on you, so although you should not ignore them completely, you have to be selective and choose only the ones that suit you. fit well, taking into account things like your age, body type, and lifestyle.

2. Haircut is Everything

This refers to the way in which each garment is made. A good cut will fit you in all the right places, making the pieces look more expensive and custom-made, so you look more groomed and well-dressed even if you’re wearing a casual look.

3. Pay Attention to Your Body Type

This is the most important thing (referring to how tall, thin, or muscular you are), as it determines the styles of pants, shirts, jackets, or coats that will look best on you. Dressing for your body type ensures that the clothes you wear will really flatter you.

4. Suit Domination

Yes, men look great in a suit, but the key to achieving this is finding the right fit, not too short, too long or too tight. You must pay attention to the cut of the shoulders, the length of the sleeves and the pants, and you must be able to move your arms comfortably without having to remove the jacket.

Classic suits work best because you can wear them for a long, long time without looking dated or old. And suits don’t just go with a shirt.

5. Looking for Shirts, Go for the Classics

Do you want your shirts to last longer and look good no matter the season? Then go for the classic colors and patterns, these always work and you can combine them with everything. You just have to take care that they fit you well from all sides and that the buttons do not look pulled.

6. Don’t be afraid of color

12 rules to dressing well

There’s nothing wrong with wearing black from head to toe, but color can really make your looks pop. Whether in casual or formal looks, color can be an interesting element. In the case of suits, green, wine and blue are also perfect.

7. Jeans are Perfect

You need to choose the right cut for jeans, giving preference to the classics that you can wear longer. Some degree of wear and tear makes your jeans feel more comfortable and form-fitting to your body, so the best thing to do is buy a good quality pair and wear it until the denim softens up a bit and starts to fade. take your form Wear gives them character.

You need to choose the right cut for jeans, giving preference to the classics that you can wear longer. Some degree of wear and tear makes your jeans feel more comfortable and form-fitting to your body, so the best thing to do is buy a good quality pair and wear it until the denim softens up a bit and starts to fade. take your form Wear gives them character.

8. Shoes are Very Important

Shoes come in all price ranges, but if you want quality, durability, and good style, then you have to pay a little more. Choose simple and elegant designs and colors, these are the ones you can wear for a lifetime.

With sneakers, the principle is the same, the best ones are more expensive, but here you can play with colors and styles. In the end, the coolest models become collector’s items.

9. Take Care of the Amount and Type of Accessories

With accessories, quality is always better than quantity, you don’t need to have all your fingers full of rings, wear 3 chains, a scarf, glasses, a hat, brooches, and more. It is better to go for minimalism and choose only a few pieces that complement your look, and they do not necessarily have to be the same color as your clothes, although they should create a good combination.

10. Buy a Good Watch

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on a watch, but you do need to invest a little more to have a good piece. Remember that if what you want is a resistant, classic, durable and elegant piece, then you have to pay a little more. In the long run, that investment will pay off, especially when you’ve had the same watch for 20 years and it still looks pretty cool.

11. Find What you Like

The best-dressed men always have something in common, they wear what they like, what works for them and makes them feel good, instead of always wanting to copy others. You can be inspired by others, but in the end, you should wear pieces and looks that reflect your personality and tastes.

12. Dress for the Occasion (And the Weather)

The best-dressed men always have something in common, they wear what they like, what works for them and makes them feel good, instead of always wanting to copy others. You can be inspired by others, but in the end, you should wear pieces and looks that reflect your personality and tastes.

We hope these tips help you dress better. Finally, remember that the fashion rules are only suggestions and there are times when breaking them can give you very good results, you just have to learn to read the occasion. Don’t forget to visit our shop to find the ideal garment for you.

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